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Quest-Journal of Management & Research (QJMR)

About the Quest – Journal of Management & Research (QJMR) is a refereed peer-reviewed journal. QJMR welcomes original papers from both academicians and practitioners on business and management related areas. QJMR will act as a medium for the dissemination of a variety of business and economic issues drawing on the empirical and theoretical contributions.

The bi-annual journal carries many features including perspectives, conceptual research, empirical research, colloquium, management case, and book reviews. Authors are invited to submit their contribution under any feature.

Aims and Scope

The journal QJMR will publish theoretical and empirical papers with a focus on identifying new opportunities, challenges, best practices and strategies for global economy on various complementing issues financial management, human resource management, marketing management, strategic management, operations management etc. A broad outline of the journal's scope shall include conceptual frameworks, empirical studies, case experiences, insights, organizational frameworks, applications & systems, methodologies & models, tools & techniques, innovations, contemporary practices, comparative practices, scenarios and reviews.

QJMR is a peer reviewed journal and follows a blind review process. All the papers submitted to QJMR go through a preliminary review at the editorial desk and those considered appropriate are sent to an Editor representing a specialized domain. On recommendation of the concerned Editor, the article may be rejected or assigned to a reviewer.

Quest Editorial


Dr. Sampada Kapse




Managing Editor

Dr. Ankit Gandhi

Assistant Professor



Congratulations to all the Authors

Quest Journal of Management Research has now an SJIF Impact Factor of 6.869

Thanks a lot for your continuous support

Dear Author/Researcher,

We introduce ourselves as Tolani Motwane Institute of Management Studies (TMIMS) (Previously known as TIMS), a leading management institute founded in 1995 with the mission of promoting excellence in the field of management education and to prepare managers to meet the challenges of the new millennium. TIMS was rated as an “A+” grade management institute by Business India Survey. TMIMS has gained tremendous attraction both from students and corporate on the ground of producing ethically & morally strong qualitative managers since more than two decades of its existence.

I am pleased to draw your kind attention and Invite you to submit your research paper to our research periodical (February 2024 Issue) “Quest-Journal of Management and Research” (ISSN: 0976-3317), by 29th February 2024.


Quest - Journal of Management & Research (QUEST JOURNAL) is a referred Research Journal, which aims to promote the theory and practice of Business and Management. QUEST JOURNAL will act as a medium for the dissemination of a variety of international issues, empirical research and other matters of interest to scholars, researchers, and practitioners in a diversity of subject areas linked to the broad theme of Business and Management.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal. Quest is steered by a distinguished Board of Directors, Researchers, and Academicians and is supported by an international review board consisting of prominent individuals representing many well-known universities, colleges, and corporate world.

To maintain a high-quality journal, manuscripts that appear in the Quest have been subjected to a rigorous review process. This includes blind reviews by three or more members of the editorial review board, followed by a detailed review by the Quest editors.


All papers will be incorporated into a bound volume of Journal, which will be available on arrival at the Journal. Selected papers will be published in an appropriate issue of the journal. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not under consideration for publication with other journals. If copyrighted material is used, the author should obtain the necessary copyright release and submit it along with the manuscript. Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to cede copyrights of the paper over to Quest. All papers will be acknowledged and referred.


Full-text papers (.doc) will be accepted only by E-mail: quest@tims.ac.in

Send your Research Paper on or before 29th February 2024 Papers received after the given date will be considered for the next issue.

Thanks & Regards

Dr. Ankit Gandhi

Managing Editor



QUEST – JOURNAL of Management & Researchwelcomes articles on issues of current inter in management. We publish Empirical Papers, Conceptual Papers, Research Notes, Case Studies and Book Reviews

Research manuscripts that include Empirical Papers, Conceptual Papers, Research Notes, Case Studies and Book Reviews should be submitted online through mail to Quest@tims.ac.in

Submission should be typed in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and with a 1 inch margin on all sides. The acceptance length for different types of articles published in QUEST – JOURNAL of Management & Research are as indicated below:

  • Research Paper (Empirical or Conceptual) : 7000 to 9000 words
  • Case Studies or Research Notes: 4000 to 6000 words
  • Book Review: 1200 to 1500 words

All papers should be submitted in MS-Word format. (Please strictly adhere to the limit)

(Joint) Authorship of Papers: Authors should testify to the authenticity and originality of their papers. In case a paper has more authors than one, each of them has to separately testify that he/she has contributed to the paper and that it is an original creation by them. Quest Journal has a strict anti- plagiarism policy and hence the authors are expected to submit only authentic and original work to Quest Journal. Any changes in the authorship after the initial submission and declaration should be supported by intimations to the Editor to that effect from the author who are removed as well as those who are added.

Cover Page: Manuscript of a paper should have a cover page providing the title of the paper, the name(s), address (es), phone, fax numbers and e-mail address (es) of all authors and acknowledgements if any. In order to facilitate anonymous review of the papers, please restrict the author-related information only to the cover page.

Manuscript Title: The title of the paper should be in 16-point Times New Roman font. It should be bold typed, centered and fully capitalized.

Abstract: following the cover page, there should be an “Abstract" page which should contain the title of the paper, the subtitle "Abstract" and a summary of the paper in single space, not exceeding 200 words. The text of the paper should not start on this page, but on a fresh page with the title of the paper repeated.

Keywords: Abstract must be followed by a list of keywords, subject to a minimum of five. These should be arranged in alphabetical order and be separated by commas with a full stop at the end.

Body of Manuscript: Manuscript must be prepared on standard A4 size paper setting. It must be prepared on a 1.5 spacing and single column with a 1-inch margin set for top, bottom, left and right. It should be typed in 12-points Times New Roman font with page number at bottom-right of every page.

Headings: all section heading should be in 14-point Times New Roman font and sub-section headings should be in 12-point Times New Roman font. These must be bold-faced, aligned left and fully capitalized. Leave a blank line before each heading.

Figures, Tables and Exhibits: Each Figure, Table or Exhibit should be printed on a separate sheet. Figures Tables and Exhibits are to be separately numbered, titles and attached at the end of the text serially. The position of the figure, table or exhibit should be indicated in the text on a separate line with words “Table 1 about here”. All Figures, Tables and Exhibits must be presented in line with American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition guidelines.

In-text Citations: Indicate the position of the reference in the text within brackets by the author"s last name and the year of publication; e.g.: "(Porter, 1980)" or incorporate it into sentence, e.g.: "as pointed out by Porter (1980)".

References should be cited in the style prescribed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition. At the end of the text, references should be listed in the alphabetical order of the last names of the authors, with a title REFERENCES (left- aligned) in 14-points Times New Roman. Examples of how the references are to be listed at the end are given:

Aaltonen, K., & Sivonen, R. (2009). Response strategies to stakeholder pressures in global projects. International Journal of Project Management, 27(2), 131-141.

Notes: Do not use footnotes. Minimize endnotes. If they are unavoidable, number them serially in the text using superscript and list them together on a separate sheet under the heading NOTES immediately following the text of the paper. Notes are not for citing a reference but for offering a significant explanation, which is important for understanding the text, but is tangential to the main idea discussed therein.

Revised Manuscripts: At the end of the blind review process, the editor will inform the author about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. On acceptance, the author is expected to incorporate the modifications suggested by the reviewers, if any, and submit a soft copy of the final revised manuscript.

After paper is accepted for the publication:

  • Each author of the paper will have to sign the declaration form and the scanned soft copy of this form has to be submitted to the Editor of Quest – Journal of Management & Research.
  • Copyrights of the published papers will rest with Quest Journal of Management Research.
  • One copy of the journal per manuscript submitted will be sent to authors. If authors need more copies then extra charges would be applicable. Authors need to inform about extra copies and pay for the extra copies while sending the declaration form.


Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their work and ideas. Authors submitting their manuscript to Quest- Journal of Management and Research (QJMR) for publication consideration also agrees to abide by QJMR ethical standards and requirements. In particular, an author must:

  • Read the “Guidelines for Authors” Menu on the website"s page before making a submission. Manuscript should be prepared according to the style and specifications of the journal"s policy.
  • Editor-in-chief, Executive editor, Peer reviewers, and the members of the editorial board and advisory committees are not responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in the Journal.
QJMR Ethical standards

Quest - Journal of Management & Research (QUEST JOURNAL) is a referred Research Journal, which aims to promote the theory and practice of Business and Management. QUEST JOURNAL will act as a medium for the dissemination of a variety of international issues, empirical research and other matters of interest to scholars, researchers, and practitioners in a diversity of subject areas linked to the broad theme of Business and Management.

  • All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. If approved by the editor, submissions will be considered by peer reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.
  • Authors must not use the words, figures, or ideas of others without attribution. All sources must be cited at the point they are used.
  • Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized from a manuscript by other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be rejected. Any published articles may need to be corrected or retracted.
  • Manuscripts submitted to QJMR journal must not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration and must be withdrawn before being submitted elsewhere. Authors whose articles are found to have been simultaneously submitted elsewhere may be prohibited for submitting any manuscript in future.
  • Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be considered.
  • All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript, approved its claims, and agreed to be an author. It is important to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution.
  • Anyone who contributed to the research or manuscript preparation, but is not an author, should be acknowledged with their permission.
Ethics for Reviewers
  • Reviewers should evaluate manuscript based on the scientific merit in an impartial and unbiased way.
  • Reviewers should particularly comment on novelty and originality of the work.
  • Reviewers should evaluate the suitability of methodology described, study design etc.
  • The information related to the article under review should be kept confidential. Any potential conflicts of interest should be communicated to the Editor.

Current Issue






Publishing Body: Tolani Motwane Institute of Management Studies

Managing Editor: Dr. Ankit Gandhi

Email: quest@tims.ac.in

Address: Post Box No. 11, opp Railway crossing, Swami Lilashah kutiya Road Adipur-370205

Phone Number: 02836 261466